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Sub Manager Options, for player specific things


PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined in
applyVolumeAsFilter?booleanApplies the volume via a filter, not via the lavalink volume transformersrc/structures/Types/Manager.ts:211
clientBasedPositionUpdateInterval?numberHow often it should update the the player Positionsrc/structures/Types/Manager.ts:207
defaultSearchPlatform?SearchPlatformWhat should be used as a searchPlatform, if no source was provided during the querysrc/structures/Types/Manager.ts:209
maxErrorsPerTime?objectAllows you to declare how many tracks are allowed to error/stuck within a time-frame before player is destroyed Default "{threshold: 35000, maxAmount: 3 }"src/structures/Types/Manager.ts:224
maxErrorsPerTime.maxAmountnumberThe max amount of errors within the threshold time which are allowed before destroying the player (when errors > maxAmount -> player.destroy())src/structures/Types/Manager.ts:228
maxErrorsPerTime.thresholdnumberThe threshold time to count errors (recommended is 35s)src/structures/Types/Manager.ts:226
minAutoPlayMs?numberMinimum time to play the song before autoPlayFunction is executed (prevents error spamming) Set to 0 to disable it Default 10000src/structures/Types/Manager.ts:222
onDisconnect?objectWhat lavalink-client should do when the player reconnectssrc/structures/Types/Manager.ts:215
onDisconnect.autoReconnect?booleanTry to reconnect? -> If fails -> Destroysrc/structures/Types/Manager.ts:217
onDisconnect.destroyPlayer?booleanInstantly destroy player (overrides autoReconnect)Don’t provide == disable feature
onEmptyQueue.autoPlayFunction?(player: Player, lastPlayedTrack: Track) => Promise<void>Get’s executed onEmptyQueue -> You can do any track queue previous transformations, if you add a track to the queue -> it will play it, if not queueEnd will execute!src/structures/Types/Manager.ts:233
requesterTransformer?(requester: unknown) => unknownTransforms the saved data of a requested usersrc/structures/Types/Manager.ts:213
volumeDecrementer?numberIf the Lavalink Volume should be decremented by x numbersrc/structures/Types/Manager.ts:205