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Version Log


Version 1.2.0

  • Added player.stopPlaying(): When executed it clears the Queue and stops playing, without destroying the Player
  • Adjusted Player.skip()
    • Added throwError Property to: player.skip(skipTo?:number = 0, throwError?:boolean = true).
      • If throwError = false, and no more tracks are in the queue, it won't throw an error and "ignore it". same thing as stopPlaying.
  • Added all Events and Methods from the SponsorBlock Plugin.
    • It also validates if the plugin is in the bot, in order so that you can use the functions:
    • player.getSponsorBlock() / node.getSponsorBlock()
    • player.setSponsorBlock(segments:SponsorBlockSegment[]) / node.setSponsorBlock(segments:SponsorBlockSegment[])
    • player.deleteSponsorBlock() / node.deleteSponsorBlock()
      • That Plugin adds following Events to the Manager: "SegmentsLoaded", "SegmentSkipped", "ChapterStarted", "ChaptersLoaded"
  • Example Bot show example in autoplayFunction how to "disable" / "enable" Autoplay with bot data variables.
  • Added ManagerOptions#emitNewSongsOnly. If set to true, it won't emit "trackStart" Event, when track.loop is active, or the new current track == the previous (current) track.
  • Added ManagerOptions#linksBlacklist which allows user to specify an array of regExp / strings to match query strings (for links / words) and if a match happens it doesn't allow the request (blacklist)
  • Added ManagerOptions#linksWhitelist which allows user to specify an array of regExp / strings to match query strings (for links only) and if a match does NOT HAPPEN it doesn't allow the request (whitelist)
  • Added ManagerOptions#linksAllowed if set to false, it does not allow requests which are links
  • Moved ManaagerOptions#debugOptions to ManaagerOptions#advancedOptions.debugOptions

Version 1.2.1

  • Adjusted player.stopPlaying()
    • There are now following parameters. stopPlaying(clearQueue:boolean = true, executeAutoplay:boolean = false).
      • On Default it now clears the queue and stops playing. Also it does not execute Autoplay on default. IF you want the function to behave differently, you can use the 2 states for that.
    • Fixed that it looped the current track if repeatmode === "track" / "queue". (it stops playing and loop stays)
  • Implemented a parseLavalinkConnUrl(connectionUrl:string) Util Function.
    • It allows you to parse Lavalink Connection Data of a Lavalink Connection Url. Pattern: lavalink://<nodeId>:<nodeAuthorization(Password)>@<NodeHost>:<NodePort>
    • Note that the nodeId and NodeAuthorization must be encoded via encodeURIComponents before you provide it into the function.
    • The function will return the following: { id: string, authorization: string, host: string, port: number }
    • Example: parseLavalinkConnUrl("lavalink://LavalinkNode_1:strong%23password1@localhost:2345") will give you: { id: "LavalinkNode_1", authorization: "strong#password1", host: "localhost", port: 2345 }
      • Note that the password "strong#password1" when encoded turns into "strong%23password1". For more information check the example bot

Version 2.0.0

  • Lavalink v4 released, adjusted all features from the stable release, to support it in this client!

# How to load tracks / stop playing has changed for the node.updatePlayer rest endpoint the Client handles it automatically
- await player.node.updatePlayer({ encodedTrack?: Base64|null, track?: Track|UnresolvedTrack, identifer?: string });
+ await player.node.updatePlayer({ track: { encoded?: Base64|null, identifier?: string }, clientTrack?: Track|UnresolvedTrack });

# To satisfy the changes from lavalink updatePlayer endpoint, player play also got adjusted for that (Most users won't need this feature!)
- await{ encodedTrack?: Base64|null, track?: Track|UnresolvedTrack, identifer?: string });
+ await{ track: { encoded?: Base64|null, identifier?: string }, clientTrack?: Track|UnresolvedTrack });
# However it' still recommended to do it like that:
# first add tracks to the queue
+ await player.queue.add(Track: Track|UnresolvedTrack|(Track|UnresolvedTrack)[]);
# then play the next track from the queue
+ await;

# Node Resuming got supported
# First enable it by doing:
+ await player.node.updateSession(true, 360_000);
# then when reconnecting to the node add to the node.createeOptions the sessionId: "" of the previous session
# and after  connecting the nodeManager.on("resumed", (node, payload, players) => {}) will be executed, where you can sync the players!

# Node Options got adjusted # It's a property not a method should be treated readonly
+ node.resuming: { enabled: boolean, timeout: number | null };

# Player function got added to stop playing without disconnecting
+ player.stopPlaying(clearQueue:boolean = true, executeAutoplay:boolean = false);

# Node functions for sponsorBlock Plugin ( got added
+ deleteSponsorBlock(player:Player)
+ setSponsorBlock(player:Player, segments: ["sponsor", "selfpromo", "interaction", "intro", "outro", "preview", "music_offtopic", "filler"])
# only works if you ever set the sponsor blocks once before
+ getSponsorBlock(player:Player)
# Corresponding nodeManager events got added:
+ nodeManager.on("ChapterStarted");
+ nodeManager.on("ChaptersLoaded");
+ nodeManager.on("SegmentsLoaded");
+ nodeManager.on("SegmentSkipped");
# Filters sending got supported for filters.pluginFilters key from lavalink api:
# Native implementation for lavaSearch plugin officially updated
# Native implementation for lavaSrc plugin officially updated including floweryTTS
# couple other changes, which aren't noticeable by you.

# Lavalink track.userData got added (basically same feature as my custom pluginInfo.clientData system)
# You only get the track.userData data through playerUpdate object

In one of the next updates, there will be more queueWatcher options and more custom nodeevents to trace

Most features of this update got tested, but if you encounter any bugs feel free to open an issue!

Version 2.1.0

  • Fixed that, if you skip and have trackloop enabled, it doesn't skip the track
    • I fixed that in the past, but for some reason i removed the fix on accident ig.
  • Reworked the Filter Manager for custom filters via LavalinkFilterPlugin / LavalinkLavaDSPX-Plugin
  • Note that the LavalinkLavaDSPX-Plugin is by a Community Member of Lavalink and UNOFFICIAL
    • They now have individual state-variabels (booleans): player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin
      • player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.echo
      • player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.normalization
      • player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.highPass
      • player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.lowPass
    • and for: player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkFilterPlugin (this plugins seems to not work on v4 at the moment)
      • player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.echo
      • player.filterManager.filters.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.reverb
    • They also now have individual state-changing-methods: player.filterManager.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin
      • player.filterManager.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.toggleEcho(decay:number, echoLength:number)
      • player.filterManager.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.toggleNormalization(maxAmplitude:number, adaptive:boolean)
      • player.filterManager.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.toggleHighPass(boostFactor:number, cutoffFrequency:number)
      • player.filterManager.lavalinkLavaDspxPlugin.toggleLowPass(boostFactor:number, cutoffFrequency:number)
    • and for: player.filterManager.lavalinkFilterPlugin
      • player.filterManager.lavalinkFilterPlugin.toggleEcho(delay:number, decay:number)
      • player.filterManager.lavalinkFilterPlugin.toggleReverb(delays:number[], gains:number[])

Version 2.1.1

  • Enforce link searches for users with following searchPlatform Options: "http" | "https" | "link" | "uri"
    • Additionally strongend the code behind that
  • Added searchPlatform for local tracks (aka files on the lavalink server...): "local"

Version 2.2.0

  • Changed console.error to throw error on queue.utils.sync if no data was provided/found
  • Changed undici.fetch to native fetch, but requires nodejs v18+ to support other runtimes, e.g. bun
  • Added sourceNames for bandcamp (from native lavalink) if it's supported it will use lavalink'S search, else the client search on{ source: "bandcamp" }) (you can also use bcsearch or bc)
  • Added sourceName for phsearch from the dunktebot plugin, released in v.1.7.0
  • Support for youtube still going via the youtube-source plugin (disable youtube for lavalink, and use the plugin instead)
  • Exporting events
  • Added new debugOption: logCustomSearches
  • (Next version update i will remove the internal interval for position update, to calculations)

Version 2.2.1

  • Player position is now calculated instead of using intervals

  • Instaplayer fix update now requires quite good internet connection on the lavalink server due to removal of intervals for updating player.position (everything above 300mbps should be good)

  • Internal updates for handling query params and url-requests (url-parsing) to fix quite few bugs and make the code more readable, now you don't have to ever provide stuff encoded via encodeURIComponent anymore.

  • Added a bunch of jsdoc information, to make the autogenerated docs more accurate!

  • Because of the adjustments from the encoding, you now need to pass url params for stuff like flowery tts like this:

const query = interaction.options.getString("text");
const voice = interaction.options.getString("voice");

const extraParams = new URLSearchParams();
if(voice) extraParams.append(`voice`, voice);

// all params for flowertts can be found here:
const response = await{
  query: `${query}`,
  extraQueryUrlParams: extraParams, // as of my knowledge this is currently only used for flowertts, adjusting the playback url dynamically mid-request
  source: "ftts"
}, interaction.user);

Version 2.2.2

  • Fixed a bug in player.pause() where when you pause the track longer than the left over is, then it would auto skip the track on resume.
  • Fixed the handling of the previous track array ( sometimes it adds "null", due to lavalink errors )
  • Added new functions for the queue, to make migrations and coding easier for beginners,
    • const previousTrack = await player.queue.shiftPrevious() -> removes the previously played track from the player.queue.previous array, and returns it, so you can use it for something like "play previous"
      • Neat 1-liner: await player.queue.shiftPrevious().then(clientTrack =>{ clientTrack }))
    • await player.queue.remove(removeQuery) -> Remove function to remove stuff from the queue.tracks array., following params are valid:
      • Array of Tracks / UnresolvedTracks, e.g. await player.queue.remove( player.queue.tracks.slice(4, 10) ) (would remove tracks from #4 (incl.) to #10 (excl.) aka those indexes: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - this is how array.slice works)
      • Single Track / UnresolveTrack, e.g. await player.queue.remove(player.queue.tracks[player.queue.tracks.length - 1]); (would remove the last track)
      • Array of track-indexes, e.g. await player.queue.remove([1, 4, 5]) (Would remove track #1, #4 and #5)
      • Single track index, e.g. await player.queue.remove(5) (would remove the #5 track from the queue)
      • NOTE: I still highly recommend, to use the player.queue.splice() function for mutating the queue:
        • it is possible to remove single tracks, multiple tracks and insert tracks at specific positions!
      • the remove function haven't been fully tested yet
    • Added track.pluginInfo.clientData?.previousTrack handling:
      • If a track has this property in the pluginInfo in the clientData object set to "true" then it won't get added to the previous track array. Example:
const previousTrack = await player.queue.shiftPrevious();
if(previousTrack) {
    const previousClientData = previousTrack.pluginInfo.clientData || {};
    previousTrack.pluginInfo.clientData = { previousTrack: true, ...previousClientData }
    await{ clientTrack: previousTrack });

Version 2.3.0

  • Added a heartbeat + ping-pong system to check wether the client is still connected to the node, if the node doesn't receive a ping in time, it will destroy the node and thus cause a reconnect.

  • For that following new nodeOptions got added:

    • enablePingOnStatsCheck: boolean (default: true)
    • heartBeatInterval: number (default: 30_000)
    • Added new Property on a node:
      • isAlive: boolean (if it's false, then it's not connected to the node anymore, and will AUTOMATICALLY Cause a reconnect within the heartBeatInterval)
      • heartBeatPing: number (the ping it takes lavalink to respond to the acknowledge of heartbeat)
    • Added new NodeManager Events:
      • reconnectinprogress (when the client internal reconnect system is triggered, the actual reconnect gets triggered by the node after your retryDelay)
  • Refactored internal code for better readability and maintainability

  • Removed several intermediate promises

  • Added new types for better type safety

  • Updated types for better type safety

  • Reduced default retryDelay from 30s to 10s

  • Added example on the testbot how to store player data easily and how to use the resume feature, and updated the Resuming Example in the README jump by adding a full example

  • "Breaking Change" for providing track / clientTrack for

    • Instead of adding the track to the queue and skipping to it, they get directly played by lavalink through replacing the track.
    • To make this work, we need to pass the transformed requester object to the userData of the track. (all handled by the client)
    • This is technically better than skipping to a track but i wanted to point it out.
      • You can play with clientTrack like this:{ clientTrack: searchResult.tracks[0] })
      • You can play with just track like this:{ track: { encoded: "base64string..." }, requester: interaction.user })

Version 2.3.1

  • Fixed Export, where types of Manager weren't exported correctly
  • Fixed Dist Folder containing old, left over not needed files

Version 2.3.2 / Version 2.3.3

  • Added Missing function calls for the QueueWatcher of tracksRemoved within the queue.remove() function:
  • Added new DestroyReasons:
    • TrackStuckMaxTracksErroredPerTime
    • TrackErrorMaxTracksErroredPerTime
  • Added new Prevention Systems for CrashbackLoop recognitions:
    • this.NodeManager.LavalinkManager.options.playerOptions.maxErrorsPerTime:
      • object: { threshold: number, maxAmount: number } (set threshold to 0 or maxAmount to -1 to disable)
      • Default: { threshold: 10_000, maxAmount: 3 }
      • If there are trackError or trackStuck Events > maxAmount within the given treshhold, the player will be destroyed prevent more errors and thus potential ratelimits.
    • this.NodeManager.LavalinkManager.options.playerOptions.minAutoPlayMs:
      • number: 10_000 (default)
      • If there is an AutoplayFunction, and it get's executed before that threshold, than it won't trigger the autoplay function again. (this is ignored for when the player is skipped)
      • This prevents autoplays from happeneing on a crashbackloop
      • Set to 0 to disable
  • Added new Event "debug":
    • LavalinkManager#debug(event:DebugEvents, data:{ state: "log" | "warn" | "error", message:string, functionLayer:string, error?:Error })
    • This function Event will emit, when the following option is set to true: LavalinkManager.options.advancedOptions.enableDebugEvents
    • You can use the DebugEvents Enum to listen to specific events and only show those you care
    • You can filter for the data.state to only show the certain log-level state
    • The functionLayer string will show you where the debug event was triggered from
    • The message string will show what is debugged
    • The error object will show you the error that happened, if there was one.
    • *This took quite some time to code, and i am sure there are still many logs you might want, feel free to open an issue

Version 2.3.4

  • Improved the package bundling with tsc-alias, to export files with file types
  • Added package.json to exported dist, for easier parsing ability and compatibility with older and newer node versions
  • Added error handling for resolving unresolved tracks on trackend

Version 2.3.5

  • FIXED not able to import :: Accidentally removed tsc-alias configuration, which made importing not work
  • FIXED autoplay not working :: Accidentally added an invalid if statement, which made autoplay not working anymore (during the if statement to not prevent autoplay spam)
  • Added a new AutoplayExecution Debug Log
  • Added more samples to the Testbot related configuration

Version 2.3.6

  • Added Lyrics Support:
    • New Player Functions:
      • const lyrics = await player.getCurrentLyrics(false); -> Get lyrics of current playing track
      • const lyrics = await player.getLyrics(track, true); -> Get lyrics of a specific track with ignoring it's sources
      • player.subscribeLyrics(); -> *Subscribe this guild to retrieve "live lyrics" as the song is *playing
      • player.unsubscribeLyrics(); -> *Unsubscribe from lyrics
    • New Node Functions ( same as from player, just so you can access it without player too ):*
      • const lyrics = await player.node.lyrics.getCurrent(player.guildId, false);
      • const lyrics = await player.node.lyrics.get(track, true);
      • player.node.lyrics.subscribe(player.guildId);
      • player.node.lyrics.unsubscribe(player.guildId);
    • New Manager Event sfor Lyrics:
      • lavalink.on("LyricsLine", (player, track, lyricsLine) => {});
      • lavalink.on("LyricsFound", (player, track, data) => {});
      • lavalink.on("LyricsNotFound", (player, track, lyricsLine) => {});

Version 2.4.0

  • Refactored a little the project folder Structure

  • Added PR Packages to install all commits / packages at once

  • Removed the dist folder, and added prepare Scripts

  • Added attributes for git linting

  • Removed the old (gitbook) documentation, and swapped it to a NEW TSDOC Themed Documentation via and mdx

  • Added new player events:

    • playerMuteChange** ➡️ **(player, selfMuted, serverMuted) => {} Triggered when the player's voice state related to muting changed

    • playerDeafChange ➡️ (player, selfDeafed, serverDeafed) => {} Triggered when the player's voice state related to deafing changed

    • playerSuppressChange ➡️ (player, suppress) => {} Triggered when the player's voice state related to suppressing changed

    • playerQueueEmptyStart ➡️ (player, timeoutMs) => {} Triggered when the queue empty handler started (the timeout)

    • playerQueueEmptyEnd ➡️ (player) => {} Triggered when the queue empty handler finished (successfully) and thus destroyed the player

    • playerQueueEmptyCancel ➡️ (player) => {} Triggered when the queue empty handler cancelled (e.g. because a new track got added)

    - playerVoiceEmptyStart ➡️ (player, timeoutMs) => {} Triggered when the voice empty handler started (the timeout) Removed again because of memory overhall and not wanting to handle voice states

    - playerVoiceEmptyEnd ➡️ (player) => {} Triggered when the voice empty handler finished (successfully) and thus destroyed the player Removed again because of memory overhall and not wanting to handle voice states

    - playerVoiceEmptyCancel ➡️ (player, userId) => {} Triggered when the voice empty handler cancelled (e.g. when a user rejoined) Removed again because of memory overhall and not wanting to handle voice states

    • playerVoiceJoin ➡️ (player, userId) => {}~~ Added instead of the playerVoiceEmpty handler, emitted when a user joins the player-vc while there is a player Allows you to inmplement a custom playerVoiceEmpty handler

    • playerVoiceLeave ➡️ (player, userId) => {}~~ Added instead of the playerVoiceEmpty handler, emitted when a user leaves (or. switches away) the player-vc while there is a player Allows you to inmplement a custom playerVoiceEmpty handler

  • Added the new events and configuration to the docs